Roadmap and plans

Drupal Gutenberg is moving fast forward. See the current status and plans.

Video update about Drupal Gutenberg made for DrupalCon Portland 2024

Drupal Gutenberg v3.0 🎉

Released: May 31. 2024

New features and changes with the 3.0 release:

  • New styling options for blocks
  • Dimensions: Margins, paddings, block spacing now can be controlled for each block.
  • Border: Color, width and radius.
  • Content blocks: The ability to create any Drupal content block in the editor.
  • User defined Patterns: Users now can create two types of patterns: Synced - formerly known as Reusable Blocks and Non-synced - that can be independently edited. Also a better UI for browsing patterns.
  • New variations for core Group block: Rows and Stack.
  • Overall better editing experience.
  • Several improvements regarding accessibility.
  • The core Gutenberg library is upgraded from 10.7.0 to 16.7.0 which also means a lot of bug fixes

Drupal Gutenberg v4.0 🎉

Planned release: September 2024

We’re proud to present to you Drupal Gutenberg 4.0. And it's coming early after the 3.0 release. Why? - Because we found a bunch of things during our cross CMS workshop in January 2024 that could not go into the 3.0 plan. So here we go:

If there was a higher level of major releases we’d use it for this one. This is where the UI within Drupal is fully refactored. It won’t make extreme differences to the everyday users of Gutenberg. But the UI itself is built specifically for Drupal. Previously we’ve been using the post edit component from Wordpress, made some adjustments to it to make it work with Drupal. It’s been working fine and was a fast way of getting Gutenberg done and ready. But now we’re building it the Drupal way - meaning no more hacks or hidden elements. We simply build what we need. This is bit more work for the Drupal Gutenberg team now in 2024, but a way more effective way to handle future updates.

New feature: Single field editing

Up until now Gutenberg in Drupal has been all about editing nodes. And all of it also. The Gutenberg editor is basically taking over the full node edit page. From DG4.0 you will be able to choose to only use Gutenberg on a single field. You could of course argue that Gutenberg already stores its’ data in a single field (in a addition to field mapping to other fields, like title, featured image, teaser text and so on. But now you’ll be able to use Gutenberg for any text field. That is great! And IRL it will mean that you simply don’t need any other editor to used on your website.

Entity agnostic

But hold on a bit. Haters is gonna say that Gutenberg is still just a landing page builder. Well, it’s not anymore. With Gutenberg 4.0 you not only edit your content types(nodes). But also your taxonomies, products, groups, and your custom entities. A game changer.

Drupal Starshot initiative 🚀

As a part of the new Starshot initiative the Drupal Recipes are coming to bundle configuration, content and modules for quickly testing out Drupal features. Drupal Gutenberg already have a recipe ready and will make sure to have that available as soon as the recipe solution is up and running for Starshot.

Future initiatives ✨

Starting Q3-4 2024 we'll go deeper into the following topics:

  • Generative AI for Drupal Gutenberg
  • Collaborative editing in Gutenberg
  • Visual editor for building layouts and field mapping (for the ambitious site builder)

How to stay updated

Follow #gutenberg in the Drupal Slack ( to get announcements when the release plan and roadmap is updated.